Results for 'Rosa Bermello Navarrete'

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  1.  15
    Effectiveness of the Health History in Mayabeque Web Page.Ada Rodríguez Suárez, Rosa Bermello Navarrete & Jessica Moret Rodríguez - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):369-382.
    En el 2011 la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de Mayabeque no contaba con conexión a la red Infomed y a solicitud del departamento de Historia y Filosofía se diseñó una página web estática. Objetivo: Valorar la efectividad de la página web estática Historia de la Salud en Mayabeque a partir del uso que han hecho los usuarios de la red de bibliotecas. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal en la red de bibliotecas de la provincia en el (...)
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    Perspectives of Environmental Awareness in University Students.Pedro-Manuel Vilcapoma-Malpartida, Geovana-Miriam Vilcañaupa-Toralava, Yersi-Luis Huamán-Romaní, Rosa Huaraca-Aparco, Ruth-Nátaly Aragón-Navarrete & Julio-César Machaca-Mamani - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 21 (1):199-211.
    To practice environmental awareness is to leave a legacy for a better world and this will be achieved with the support of students and society, for this reason the main objective of this research is to describe and analyze the perspectives of environmental awareness in university students, for which the methodology of quantitative approach is used, correlational between its elements and predictive, in which 1324 university students who responded to a survey of 17 questions divided into four dimensions participated.
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  3. Rosa, Harmut , Alienación y aceleración. Hacía una teoría crítica de la temporalidad en la Modernidad Tardía, Buenos Aires, Katz, 190 páginas.Maximiliano Navarrete - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía 19 (22):242-245.
    Se trata de una reseña bibliográfica del libro de Rosa, Harmut, Alienación y aceleración. Hacía una teoría crítica de la temporalidad en la Modernidad Tardía, traducción a cargo del Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Buenos Aires, Katz, 190 páginas.
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  4. Primary matter, primitive passive power, and creaturely limitation in Leibniz.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2014 - Studia Leibnitiana 46 (2):167-186.
    In this paper I argue that, in Leibniz’s mature metaphysics, primary matter is not a positive constituent which must be added to the form in order to have a substance. Primary matter is merely a way to express the negation of some further perfection. It does not have a positive ontological status and merely indicates the limitation or imperfection of a substance. To be sure, Leibniz is less than explicit on this point, and in many texts he writes as if (...)
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    Tecnología y sociedad: retos educativos.María Rosa Elosúa de Juan - 2004 - Critica 54 (918):76-80.
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    Hacia una nueva política sexual: las mujeres ante la reacción patriarcal.Rosa Cobo Bedía - 2011 - Madrid: Catarata.
  7.  59
    Pregnant Females as Historical Individuals: An Insight From the Philosophy of Evo-Devo.Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Mihaela Pavličev & Arantza Etxeberria - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:572106.
    Criticisms of the “container” model of pregnancy picturing female and embryo as separate entities multiply in various philosophical and scientific contexts during the last decades. In this paper, we examine how this model underlies received views of pregnancy in evolutionary biology, in the characterization of the transition from oviparity to viviparity in mammals and in the selectionist explanations of pregnancy as an evolutionary strategy. In contrast, recent evo-devo studies on eutherian reproduction, including the role of inflammation and new maternal cell (...)
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    Socio-economic research on genetically modified crops: a study of the literature.Georgina Catacora-Vargas, Rosa Binimelis, Anne I. Myhr & Brian Wynne - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (2):489-513.
    The importance of socio-economic impacts from the introduction and use of genetically modified crops is reflected in increasing efforts to include them in regulatory frameworks. Aiming to identify and understand the present knowledge on SEI of GM crops, we here report the findings from an extensive study of the published international scientific peer-reviewed literature. After applying specified selection criteria, a total of 410 articles are analysed. The main findings include: limited empirical research on SEI of GM crops in the scientific (...)
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  9. Creatividad y literatura potencial: actas.José Reyes de la Rosa & Raymond Queneau (eds.) - 2006 - Córdoba: Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Córdoba.
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  10. Historia y analogía. Memoria y olvido.María Rosa Palazón Mayoral - 2006 - Analogía Filosófica 19 (Extra 18):81-100.
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    Leibniz: A Very Short Introduction.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2016 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was a man of extraordinary intellectual creativity who lived an exceptionally rich and varied intellectual life in troubled times. More than anything else, he was a man who wanted to improve the life of his fellow human beings through the advancement of all the sciences and the establishment of a stable and just political order. In this Very Short Introduction Maria Rosa Antognazza outlines the central features of Leibniz's philosophy in the context of his overarching intellectual (...)
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    Values in nursing students and professionals.F. Rosa Jiménez-López, Jesus Gil Roales-Nieto, Guillermo Vallejo Seco & Juan Preciado - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (1):79-91.
    Background: Many studies have explored personal values in nursing, but none has assessed whether the predictions made by the theory of intergenerational value change are true for the different generations of nursing professionals and students. This theory predicts a shift in those personal values held by younger generations towards ones focussed on self-expression. Research question: The purpose of the study was to identify intergenerational differences in personal values among nursing professionals and nursing students and to determine whether generational value profiles (...)
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    Assessing Quality and Evaluating Performance in Higher Education: Worlds Apart or Complementary Views?Cláudia S. Sarrico, Maria J. Rosa, Pedro N. Teixeira & Margarida F. Cardoso - 2010 - Minerva 48 (1):35-54.
    This paper reflects on quality assessment and performance evaluation in higher education, namely by analysing the insufficient link between those two aspects. We start by reviewing the current state of the art regarding different processes and mechanisms of quality assessment and performance evaluation and discuss some of the major issues regarding the implementation of some of them. In particular, we analyse the current limitations regarding data collected, available and publicised on the performance of HEIs and the problems those limitations bring (...)
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    Gemeinwohl statt Gerechtigkeit? Uber: Herfried Munkler/Harald Bluhm/Karsten Fischer : Gemeinwohl und Gemeinsinn. Bd. 1-4.Ralph Schrader & Hartmut Rosa - 2004 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 52 (4):645.
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  15. From the Method of Division to the Theory of Transformations: Thompson After Aristotle, and Aristotle After Thompson.Laura Nuño de la Rosa & James G. Lennox - 2023 - Biological Theory 1.
    Aristotle’s influence on D’Arcy Thompson was praised by Thompson himself and has been recognized by others in various respects, including the aesthetic and normative dimensions of biology, and the multicausal explanation of living forms. This article focuses on the relatedness of organic forms, one of the core problems addressed by both Aristotle’s History of Animals (HA), and the renowned chapter of Thompson’s On Growth and Form (G&F), “On the Theory of Transformations, or the Comparison of Related Forms.” We contend that, (...)
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  16. Educating for Autonomy: Liberalism and Autonomy in the Capabilities Approach.Luara Ferracioli & Rosa Terlazzo - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (3):443-455.
    Martha Nussbaum grounds her version of the capabilities approach in political liberalism. In this paper, we argue that the capabilities approach, insofar as it genuinely values the things that persons can actually do and be, must be grounded in a hybrid account of liberalism: in order to show respect for adults, its justification must be political; in order to show respect for children, however, its implementation must include a commitment to comprehensive autonomy, one that ensures that children develop the skills (...)
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  17. Parental Stress and Satisfaction in Parents With Pre-school and School Age Children.María de los Angeles Oyarzún-Farías, Félix Cova & Claudio Bustos Navarrete - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:683117.
    Parenting is a transforming experience for the life of parents that brings joy and satisfaction as well as challenges, frustration, and demands. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between “parental stress and satisfaction” and work-home conflict, perceived social support, and global satisfaction with life, and to determine the moderating role of the parent's gender. A sample of 244 participants was studied: 49.6% (121) mothers and 50.4% (123) fathers with children between 2 and 12 years of age. (...)
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    Family Leisure, Self-Management, and Satisfaction in Spanish Youth.Rosa Ana Alonso Ruiz, María Ángeles Valdemoros San Emeterio, Magdalena Sáenz de Jubera Ocón & Eva Sanz Arazuri - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  19. Die Rolle der Trinitäts-und Menschwerdungsdiskussionen für die Entstehung von Leibniz'Denken.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 1994 - Studia Leibnitiana 26 (1):56-75.
    Leibniz's repeated interventions in the Trinitarian polemics widespread throughout Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries cannot merely be read as scholastic exercises or concessions to the conventions of his time. On the contrary, they involved reflection on issues fundamental to Leibniz's philosophical doctrines: issues such as the relationship between faith and reason, the limitations of the human intellect and the various grades of human knowledge, and the significance of the ' analogia Trinitatis' reconsidered in light of the concept of (...)
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  20. Literatura infantil e gênero: subjetividade e auto conhecimento.Salete Rosa Pezzi dos Santos - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):155-165.
    Resumo: Palavras-chave: : Keywords: Child literature. Female subject. Representation. The child literature is inhabited by female characters as central figures of the narrative, some of them famous and popular. The decade of 1980 saw the raise of authors who introduce works that have recognized aesthetic value in which female characters play a prominent role. For example, Isabel (Bel), narrator character from the work Bisa Bia, Bisa Bel (1981), by Ana Maria Machado, who is lead through a path toward her autonomy. (...)
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  21.  11
    Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation induced slow wave activity modification: A possible role in disorder of consciousness differential diagnosis?Laura Rosa Pisani, Antonino Naro, Antonino Leo, Irene Aricò, Francesco Pisani, Rosalia Silvestri, Placido Bramanti & Rocco Salvatore Calabrò - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 38:1-8.
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    Towards a post-democratic era? Moral education against new forms of authoritarianism.Cruz Pérez, Maria Rosa Buxarrais & Vicent Gozálvez - 2023 - Journal of Moral Education 52 (4):474-488.
    ABSTRACT Educating in a convulsed political context demands a detailed analysis of the new circumstances of our times, especially the current democracy crisis. According to the latest reports issued by international evaluation organisations, one of the greatest challenges for democratic citizenship is the emergence and rise of authoritarianism within the framework of the so-called post-democracy, and also in the manifestations known as illiberal democracy. Moral and civic education has to respond to this challenge. With this in mind, we propose revitalising (...)
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    Democracy and the Intersection of Religion and Traditions: The Reading of John Dewey's Understanding of Democracy and Education.Rosa Bruno-Jofré, James Scott Johnston & Gonzalo Jover - 2010 - McGill Queens University Press.
    How are ideas about education and democracy configured and reconfigured as they travel? Democracy and the Intersection of Religion looks at the work of John Dewey, the renowned philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer, and the ways in which his educational ideas and democratic ideals have been configured and reconfigured, adopted, and interpreted in different historical and cultural spaces.
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    Avaliação de formulações de fosfito de potássio sobre Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in vitro e no controle pós-infeccional da mancha foliar de Glomerella em macieira.Leonardo Araújo, Rosa M. Valdebenito-Sanhueza & Marciel J. Stadnik - 2010 - Tropical Plant Pathology 35 (1).
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    Michael WALZER, Terrorismo y guerra justa + «me veo como un judío comunitario y como un americano liberal» (entrevista de Daniel Gamper Sachse). 2009.Rosa Canal I. Parals - 2009 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 43:229.
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    Los vacíos de la política en época de la globalización Z. Bauman ¿versus? J. Habermas.Rosa Jiménez Asensio - 2009 - Isegoría 40:73-92.
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  27. Learners' strategies in L2 composing.Rosa M. Manchon-Ruiz - 1997 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 30 (1-2):91-113.
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    Religión y salud mental.César Mureddu Torres & Rosa De Gpe Romero Zertuche - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:149-166.
    Los autores analizan distintas posturas frente al ‘hecho’ religioso. Plantean la posibilidad de abordarlo por dos caminos distintos, ubicando su estudio en el cruce de ambos para sustentar desde ahí la viabilidad de tal hecho como objeto de estudio de múltiples disciplinas. Al tomar la ruta psicológica exponen las teorías de Freud y de Jung, concluyendo que éste último proporciona más elementos para observar los efectos benéficos de la religión respecto a la salud mental.
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    Clinical Case Studies in Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Treatment.Jochem Willemsen, Elena Della Rosa & Sue Kegerreis - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Filosofia, educação, sociedade e direito no obra de Arthur Orlando da Silva, 1858/1916.Rosa Mendonça de Brito - 1980 - Recife, Pe.: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Editora Massangana.
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    Estética de lo cotidiano y transculturalidad. «Por los caminos de Asia Oriental».Rosa Fernández-Gómez - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico:121-140.
    El artículo defiende la dimensión transcultural de la estética de lo cotidiano a partir de las premisas de la estética pragmatista. A partir de la noción deweyana de ritmo se tenderán puentes con la estética china clásica y con ejemplos de las artes del pincel se ilustrará cómo la cotidianidad es una de las protagonistas clave de sus temáticas. La dimensión cíclica de la temporalidad será clave para completar esta visión estética de la cotidianidad.
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  32. Metaphysical evil revisited.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2014 - In Larry M. Jorgensen & Samuel Newlands (eds.), New Essays on Leibniz’s Theodicy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  33. Knowledge and Belief from Plato to Locke.Michael Ayers & Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2019 - In Knowing and Seeing: Groundwork for a New Empiricism. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 3–33.
    This essential historical introduction to the main themes of the book starts with a close, sympathetic, and significantly novel analysis of a famous argument in Plato’s Republic in which Plato draws a distinction of kind between knowledge and belief, and between their objects. It is then demonstrated that the distinction, broadly so understood, remained a dominant force, in one form or another, in all non-sceptical branches of the European philosophical tradition, including empiricism, until the eighteenth century. It is argued that (...)
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    New essays on the Fish-Dworkin debate.Thomas da Rosa de Bustamante & Margaret Martin (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Hart Publishing, An Imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    This book considers the seminal debate in jurisprudence between Ronald Dworkin and Stanley Fish. It looks at the exchange between Dworkin and Fish, initiated in the 1980s, and analyses the role the exchange has played in the development of contemporary theories of interpretation, legal reasoning, and the nature of law. The book encompasses 4 key themes of the debate between these authors: legal theory and its critical role, interpretation and critical constraints, pragmatism and interpretive communities, and some general implications of (...)
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  35. Introducción a Antonio Caso.Krauze de Kolteniuk & Rosa[From Old Catalog] - 1959 - México,:
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    Sobre la teoría y práctica de la ciencia.Miguel Ángel De la Rosa - 1999 - Arbor 162 (637):33-43.
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    Subject, Object, and Knowledge as First-Person.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2021 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 98 (4):516-529.
    This article tries to show that focusing on why and how subject and object are distinct is of key importance for understanding the nature of knowledge itself. It argues that: 1) cognition starts with an aliud which is present to a felt self in a way fundamentally different from one’s own modes of being; 2) individual human knowledge in its paradigmatic form is essentially first-personal, that is, its object-directedness requires a built-in, implicit awareness of a ‘self’ that provides the unifying (...)
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  38. Gründzüge der Logik, Teil I: Das Logische Schließen.Wilhelm K. Essler & Rosa F. Martinez Cruzado - 1987 - Erkenntnis 26 (2):301-304.
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    Nonnus’ Mystic Vocabulary Revisited: Mystis in Dionysiaca 9.111–31.Rosa García-Gasco - 2014 - In Konstantinos Spanoudakis (ed.), Nonnus of Panopolis in Context: Poetry and Cultural Milieu in Late Antiquity with a Section on Nonnus and the Modern World. De Gruyter. pp. 211-228.
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    Memória Coletiva diante um painel bibliometrico.Rosa da Penha Ferreira da Costa, Philippe Peterle Modolo & Marcelo Calderari Miguel - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (2):157-177.
    O Brasil, diz Millôr Fernandes, tem um enorme passado pela frente e, esse projeto de nação ergue-se com a memória coletiva. Nessa via, o objetivo do estudo é analisar bibliometricamente como a temática ‘memória coletiva’ se apresenta indexada no acervo da literatura científica da Ciência da Informação - Brapci. A pesquisa estabelece métricas sobre o quantitativo anual de publicações, os periódicos e os autores envolvidos, as palavras chaves mais frequentes. Estabelecido o recorte dos últimos dez anos completos, são recuperados 50 (...)
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    The meaning of time in the theory of relativity and “Einstein's later view of the Twin Paradox”.Waldyr A. Rodrigues & Marcio A. F. Rosa - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (6):705-724.
    The purpose of the present paper is to reply to a misleading paper by M. Sachs entitled “Einstein's later view of the Twin Paradox” (TP) (Found. Phys. 15, 977 (1985)). There, by selecting some passages from Einstein's papers, he tried to convince the reader that Einstein changed his mind regarding the asymmetric aging of the twins on different motions. Also Sachs insinuates that he presented several years ago “convincing mathematical arguments” proving that the theory of relativity does not predict asymmetrical (...)
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  42. Literatura latina en el Bachillerato LOGSE.Nelia Rosa Vellisca Gutiérrez & Alejandro García González - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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    Choosing “The Ferry of Life”: On Moral Agency as a Mean in Education.Rosa Hong Chen - 2010 - Philosophy of Education 66:194-201.
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    Pedagogy of “Midwifery” for Self-Knowledge: Meeting Confucius and Socrates.Rosa Hong Chen - 2011 - Philosophy of Education 67:203-211.
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    Aterrizaje: después de la crítica de la razón cínica.Castro Martín & Elvia Rosa - 2012 - Sancti Spíritus, Cuba: Ediciones Luminaria.
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    Tensions between feminist principles and the demand for prostitution in the neoliberal age: a critical analysis of sex buyer’s discourse.Rosa M. Senent Julián - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 24 (2):109-128.
    In the age of neoliberalism, feminists strongly disagree on the ideal legal status of prostitution while the pro-prostitution lobby endeavours to keep their male-dominated business running smoothly. Feminist debates should be concerned with the sex buyers' belief system about women, which is likely to have practical consequences in the way they behave with women (prostituted and non-prostituted) in terms of sexuality and, therefore, for feminist purposes of equality, on a broader scale. A Critical Discourse Analysis of buyer-authored online reviews of (...)
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    Leibniz’s opposition to monism.Maria Rosa Antognazza - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (3):666-686.
    Leibniz's metaphysics appears to go a long way towards monism: it supports a strong dependence of limited things on the absolute or God and understands this dependence not only as causal dependence but also as a pervasive ontological dependence which involves the communality of nature between absolute and limited. Yet, Leibniz stops short of affirming monism. Why? This paper takes a fresh look at Leibniz's reasons for opposing monism through the lens of a virtually unknown text of 1698 on the (...)
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    La creación artística anarquista en la ciudad de buenos aires.María Fernanda de la Rosa - 2018 - Aisthesis 63:75-91.
    Art had always a prominent place in libertarian universe because the productions were advertising’s instruments that carried a marked ideological purpose. This article reconstructs the characteristics of anarchist art in Buenos Aires between 1900 and 1930. It studies the doctrinal texts of the main theorists and the way in which they influenced the local artists, as well as the articulation between local productions, newspaper articles and specialized art magazines, in order to address the aesthetic values that delineate these productions. It (...)
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    Obras completas.Antonio Caso & Rosa Krauze de Kolteniuk - 1971 - México,: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Dirección General de Publicaciones. Edited by Rosa Krauze de Kolteniuk.
    1. Polémicas.--2. Problemas filosóficos.--3. La existencia como economía, como desinterés y como caridad.--4. Ensayos. Doctrinas. Discursos.--5. Estética.--6. Historia y antología del pensamiento filosófico. Evocación de Aristóteles. Filosofía.--7. El acto ideatorio y la filosofía de Husserl. Positivismo, neopositivismo y fenomenología.-- 11. Sociología.
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  50. Modo Psicossocial: um paradigma das práticas substitutivas ao modo asilar.Abílio da Costa-Rosa - 2000 - In Paulo Amarante (ed.), Ensaios: subjetividade, saúde mental, sociedade. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Fiocruz.
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